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    Reading Joint

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    Reading Credits

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    The “Books Online” Project

Readers' Festival of Jinling Library, aimed at motivating readers to participate, intensifying reader-oriented idea and optimizing civil reading environment, serves as a booster to establish a courteous and scholarly society, thus enhancing cultural taste of the city. Readers' Festival, dominated...
Jinling Library integrates its year-round reading programs into one project "Reading the Beauty in Four Seasons" against the background of era where National Reading goes deeper, more divise and comprehensive. The project has formed four major sections sequenced by theme content and timeline, a m...
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Nanjing Sharing Library: Jinling Library, as the municipal public library of Nanjing, has joined forces with district libraries to create a unified city-wide credit lending platform called "Book Online." Based on this, they also carry out online and offline reading promotion activities, making it...